Personalized Coaching

One-on-One Coaching

I offer one-on-one coaching sessions to my clients as a way to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. During these sessions, I work with my clients individually to develop personalized plans that incorporate healthy habits and self-care practices.

One-on-one coaching is an effective way to help my clients make lasting changes to their health and well-being.

One-on-One Coaching

Achieve Your Health & Wellness Goals

Book Now

Take the next step towards a healthier you...

With a background in nutrition, mindfulness & yoga, I have a wealth of knowledge & experience to share with my clients.

Advantages of One-on-One Coaching Service With Me

What Can You Expect From Coaching With Me?

Consulting Pricing

Simple Pricing & Fexible Plans

One Session

$ 159 Per hour session
  • Pay Per Session
  • Expandable up to Two Hours
  • Session Through Zoom

Three Session

$ 399 Per hour session
  • Pay Per Session
  • Expandable up to Two Hours
  • Session Through Zoom

Six Session

$ 599 Per hour session
  • Pay Per Session
  • Expandable up to Two Hours
  • Session Through Zoom
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